Here is the script which bootstrapped the digitalocean VM which hosts this wiki. I have extended it somewhat to manage adding new CNAMEs to my domain name.

# .env TOKEN_FILE=~/.digitalocean-token REGION=sfo2 COMPOSE_PROJECT_NAME=wiki

#!/bin/bash -eu set -o pipefail IFS=$'\t\n\r' readonly COMPOSE_DIR=$( cd $(dirname $0); pwd ) main() { create-droplet create-droplet-floating-ip create-fqdn create-wildcard-cname } create-environment() { source $COMPOSE_DIR/.env [ -n "${DROPLET:-}" ] || { echo ".env missing DROPLET" ; FATAL=1; } [ -n "${TOKEN_FILE:-}" ] || { echo ".env missing TOKEN_FILE" ; FATAL=1; } [ -n "${REGION:-}" ] || { echo ".env missing REGION" ; FATAL=1; } [ -z "${FATAL:-}" ] || exit 1 } create-droplet() { droplet-exists || { docker-machine \ create --driver digitalocean\ --digitalocean-access-token=$(token) \ --digitalocean-region=$REGION \ $DROPLET } } create-droplet-floating-ip() { local IP=$(droplet-floating-ip) [ -n "$IP" ] || { local ID=$(droplet-list | awk "/$DROPLET\$/ {print \$1}") do-api -sS -X POST \ -d "{\"droplet_id\":$ID}" \ "" } } create-fqdn() { fqdn-exists || { do-api -X POST \ -d "{\"name\":\"${DROPLET}\",\"ip_address\":$(droplet-floating-ip)}" \ "" } } create-wildcard-cname() { wildcard-cname-exists || { do-api -X POST \ -d "{\"type\":\"CNAME\",\"name\":\"*\",\"data\":\"@\",\"priority\":null,\"port\":null,\"weight\":null}" \ "${DROPLET}/records" } } droplet-list-json() { do-api -sS -X GET "" } droplet-list() { # memoize to self-regulate DO rate-limits if [ -z "${DROPLET_LIST:-}" ]; then local JSON="$(droplet-list-json)" echo $JSON <<<"$JSON" jq -r '.droplets[]' readonly DROPLET_LIST="$(<<<"$JSON" jq -r '.droplets[] | .id, .name' \ | paste - -)" fi echo -e $DROPLET_LIST } droplet-exists() { droplet-list | grep -q "$DROPLET\$" } droplet-floating-ip() { do-api -sS -X GET "" \ | jq ".floating_ips[] | select( == \"$DROPLET\") | .ip" } fqdn-exists() { # not_found is in the error payload if the domain doesn't exist # so this code is a double-negative: true if we don't find "not_found" do-api -sS -X GET "${DROPLET}" \ | grep -qv not_found } wildcard-cname-exists() { list-cnames \ | grep -q '^*' } list-cnames() { do-api -sS -X GET \ "${DROPLET}/records" \ | jq -r '.domain_records[] | select(.type == "CNAME") | .name, .data' \ | paste - - } create-cname() { local SUBDOMAIN="${1:-*}" cname-exists $SUBDOMAIN || { local URL="${DROPLET}/records" do-api -X POST -d@- $URL <<EOF { "type" : "CNAME", "name" : "$SUBDOMAIN", "data" : "@", "priority" : null, "port" : null, "weight" : null } EOF } } cname-exists() { local SUBDOMAIN="${1:-UNSPECIFIED}" list-cnames | grep -q "^$SUBDOMAIN" } do-api() { curl \ -H "Content-Type: application/json" \ -H "Authorization: Bearer $(token)" \ $@ } token() { cat $TOKEN_FILE } case ${1:-} in list-cnames \ | create-cname \ | create-droplet \ | create-droplet-floating-ip \ | create-fqdn \ | create-wildcard-cname \ | wildcard-cname-exists \ ) readonly CMD=${1} shift ;; *) readonly CMD=main ;; esac create-environment $CMD $@